Welcome to all, and thank you.
Has the internet changed you life?
Will it change your life?
As for me, yes it has in many ways, and i am glad. : )
And it is still changing my life.
Many many moons ago....while snuggled up in the warmth
of my mums tummy something happened that shaped me.
Rubella... fortunately it doesnt happen now.
As a consequence of this i am deaf.
Would i have it any other way? No.
Why not?
Something had to be wrong, and as any doctor will tell you, anything could have happened, with respect to all other sufferers of rubella, who have it worse than me.
I aint got a bad deal out of it. : )
And it was meant to be that i am deaf.
And being deaf makes me me, what we lack, we make up for in many ways, and everything has its advantages.
All our faults and disadvantages create new advantages.
Its up to us to recognise the advantages, if we cant,
then its not a disadvantage in the first place.
Lipreading has sooo many advantages.. ; )
If you need proof.. next time your at the bar and theres a few of the opposite sex eyeing you up, talking to each other about you.. you think you could work out which of them likes you.. ; )
Clouds and silver linings spring to mind.. oh dear the girls will cover their mouths with their hands now.. ooops. : )
As i grew up, the phone was a no no.
Then.. bang.. mobiles.. great i can text friends, family. Wow.
I am now more into the hearing world, though i was never really out of it in the first place.. thanks to mum, and learning from those around me.
My deafness is only a problem for those who dont know me,
for those who let it be a problem.
It will now seem very obvious why and how the internet has already changed my life.
Email is the phone to me now.
Online i am NOT deaf.. if that makes sense.
We now live in two parellel worlds, online and offline.
Together they make the world a much smaller place.
Will the internet continue to change my life?... you bet.
I have dreams, and the internet is the way to for me
to realise those dreams.
I have goals, the internet will help me reach them goals.
One of those goals is to reach out and touch others.
The internet makes that possible, and easier to do.
Others have reached out and touched me.
If you read this, and stop taking your hearing for granted
so much, as with all our senses, i have already touched lives. : )
How does the internet change your life?
What can you do with the internet to change your life?
Or the lives of others.
Take care.
Rob. ; )