Friday, January 30, 2004

Happy birthday son..i love you.

Nine years ago today, my youngest son Keaton came into our lives.

Happy birthday Keaton. : )
I am so proud of you.
I love you so much.

I feel very tearful, as both my sons have been absolutely great during these hard times.
The love of my sons has given me strength at the times i felt
weak and vulnerable.

The love of my sons has given me joy, they light up my heart.
I love them both with all my heart.

I am so proud of them, and so proud to be their dad.
I will never forget helping deliver them at birth, the most profound moments of my life.
Cried buckets of tears on them two very special days.

Nothing can prepare you for that.

If i never succeed at anything other than being a great dad to my boys...then i will be proud to have done what matters the most.

If your kids still love you when they grow up, then that says you have done well.

To often people expect their kids to love them when they are
grown up.
Sadly it does not work that way.
As kids they feel parents can do no wrong.

As adults they see you for who you are.
I hope they grow to love me for being me, as well as their dad.

To hear them say "I love you dad" is the biggest pleasure
in my life.
And im proud they can tell me that.

How lucky i am to have the love of two beatuiful sons.

I am very proud.

Happy birthday Keaton.

I love you.

Dad. x