Wednesday, April 21, 2004


If you are a regular reader of the weblog you will by now know that i am a very proud dad and i love my kids more than anything in life.

There is simply nothing in life as rewarding as having the love of your children and
being a proud parent.
The sheer pride and the joy in the heart that you feel when with your newborn first child..(or children in this case) is unbelievable...never to be repeated again.
It takes your breath away.
Makes you cry.

Its a moment thats locked inside your heart and mind... never to fade. : )

And today Micheal Green experienced what i just described.

And todays post is to wholeheartedly congratulate Micheal and his wife on the safe
arrival of healthy (and no doubt beautiful) twins.

A girl and a boy.. and like the good english gent to be, he lets his sister into the
world first.. ; )

Micheal is the owner and creator of the great "the how to" forum.
If you really want to learn "how to" market, or many other things that you may learn
then why not check it out.. and while there post a congrats post. ; )

Just Click here to check out this great forum, and post if you wish, have no fear from posting, as everyone is treated with the respect that you treat others.

Note the simple rules for posting.. they are displayed for you to see.

Take care and see you there..


P.s... Micheal.. dont come down from the clouds for as long as possible. ; )

P.p.s Looking forward to seeing pictures of your twins.. : )